Le raisonnement par récurrence
Zeste de Savoir - January 05, 2019I co-authored this tutorial about mathematical induction. It is meant to be accessible to readers without a lot of experience in Maths.
Introduction aux systèmes distribués
Zeste de Savoir - December 07, 2018An example-driven introduction to basic principles in distributed systems.
KRACK : attaques contre les communications Wi-Fi
Zeste de Savoir - December 07, 2017A technical introduction to KRACK attacks against Wi-Fi networks.
Introduction aux suites et séries
Zeste de Savoir - January 02, 2017I co-authored this tutorial about mathematical sequences and series. It focuses on bringing the bases without overwhelming the reader with too-abstract equations.
L'arbre de Stern-Brocot : énumération des rationnels
Zeste de Savoir - November 29, 2015The Stern–Brocot tree is a funny mathematical structure. In this article, I explain how to use it to prove the countability of Q, the set of rational numbers.
Introduction au protocole WAMP
Zeste de Savoir - November 07, 2015WAMP, for Web Application Messaging Protocol, is an open-source protocol based on WebSocket and making possible for loosely coupled components to communicate in (soft) real-time. In this tutorial, I introduce the underlying concepts of this protocol.
Sortie de Python 3.5
Zeste de Savoir - October 30, 2015In this co-authored article, I describe the changes introduced in Python 3.5: unpacking generalizations, matrix multiplication operator, asynchronous programming keywords and type hints.